Friday, July 4, 2014

AX 2012 R3, Error running Cmdlet Test-AXReportServerConfiguration -The Network Path not Found

After successfully installing Reporting Extensions and modifying the Report Configuration, I wanted to test the configuration from the RS Server. The cmdlet test-axtestreportserverconfiguration is obviously the best candidate to do the job, but it threw an error stating "The Network Path was not found" and "Could not open the registry to read the EnableLUA key" like shown below (ran the AX Management Shell as Administrator):

I have experienced issues due to UAC (User Access Control), but after first trying to disable UAC completely (registry, EnableLUA key) on the RS Server, the error still was thrown.

I then noticed that the error actually was thrown when the cmdlet tried to read the EnableLUA key on the AOS Server (it's a two-phased test) and after checking for some references, I found an article on TechNet titled "Configure Remote Management in Server Manager" (Windows Server 2012 & R2) and the section "To configure MMC or other tool remote management over DCOM", seemed to point in the right direction.

After enabling the following rules (and Enabling EnableLUA again), the cmdlet worked as expected.
  • COM+ Network Access (DCOM-In)*
  • Remote Event Log Management (NP-In)
  • Remote Event Log Management (RPC)
  • Remote Event Log Management (RPC-EPMAP)
*It's probably the DCOM-In rule that's most important (I did not check combinations of the rules since I was working on building a Production solution for a customer).


Windows Firewall will have different rules enabled according to the customers policy and you should pay attention to the Firewall rules when experiencing issues during installation of AX Components or when a cmdlet throws errors. I have described several issues due to Windows Firewall in other posts related to installation issues and this was the first one related to PowerShell cmdlets.